Parent Coordinator
You have the court order and cannot agree, now what? You have two options: go back to court or engage the services of a parent coordinator.
A parent coordinator is a neutral third party who does not represent either parent or the children. Both parents must agree and the Court must enter an order approving the appointment.
Specially trained in high conflict resolution, parent coordinators provide an alternative to the expensive and emotionally draining courtroom. Roz Koob has worked with families to navigate difficult situations of noncompliant ex-spouses, children not wanting to go on visitations, problems communicating and issues that have arisen that were not contemplated at the time of the court’s order. If you find your family in need of assistance, please contact us to set up a consultation.
Areas Related to Parent Coordinator Services
- High conflict resolution
- Child custody and visitation issues
- Facilitate communication between parents
- Court-appointed services

Roz Koob